It’s a confronting letter designed to mitigate your Electricity Utility company from responsibility and transfer to you, the owner responsible for the maintenance & performance of your system in the event of fire or other insurance related matter.
The reality is that many solar Installation have Recalled DC Isolators that can catch fire, or there may be other aspects of your roof mounted system that needs attention. It’s imperative that your system be maintained in order to ensure safe & reliable Energy Generation throughout it’s life of operation.
Loose electrical connections over time on your roof mounted Isolators exposed to the sun & varying temperature extremes with cooper terminals & conductors expanding & contracting over time, getting loose is a real problem with DC that leads to fires. Make sure this doesn’t happen to you and protect your main asset in your property from fire and risk that your insurance company doesn’t cover you because you’ve had prior opportunity to address and been formally advised by your Electricity Utility company.
Contact us at ALCHIMIE Electrical to arrange for your Annual System Maintenance to help protect to ensure safety, reliability and optimised Energy Harvesting for your GRID Connected Solar PV Generation System.